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London Real Webseries - Editor and Colourist

London Real is a weekly, one hour video web series that challenges the status quo, explores the human experience, and exchanges ideas and perspectives with eclectic guests in one of the most exciting and diverse cities on the planet.


UFC Fighter Dan Hardy - UNCUT - 1h54m 

Musician Tom Law - Unplugged - 1h30m 

Stuart Kershaw - Extreme Filmmaker - 1h36m

Haley Hill - London Matchmaker -1h24m

Adam Scorgie - The Culture High - 2h13m

Bruce Parry - QUEST - 1h30m 

Annie Machon - MI5 Agent & Whistleblower - 1h27m

Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, & Steel - 1h07m

Max Keiser - Crowdfunding Galloway - 1h13m

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